Knowing exactly what to do and say to an upset patient can save you from feeling overwhelmed on the spot
You often only get one chance!
Urgency is a bad advisor when it comes to communication.
Having an upset patient in front of you and going blank, with your heart racing , waiting for those words that never come can be overwhelming for you and your patient.
But don’t worry. You are about to learn how to avoid this.
This step-by-step guide is going to help you relate to any upset patient professionally, empathetically and compassionately.
As you probably know, the words are NOT the most important thing, and they come with experience. However, this guide includes some examples of what to say at each of the 4 stages.
Download the FREE guide so that you know exactly what to do and say to an upset patient. They are trusting you with their innermost feelings.
Make sure you don’t let them down!